donderdag 31 juli 2008

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stresses financial as well as human benefits of avoiding armed conflicts

Preventing or resolving armed conflicts through political solutions and negotiations provides vital economic benefits to go with avoiding the enormous human costs extracted by war, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told a gathering of Islamic scholars Tuesday.

In a message to the Third International Conference of Islamic Scholars, held in Jakarta, Mr. Ban stressed the need for the United Nations to work ever more closely with Member States, regional organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and others to try to prevent conflicts from emerging or continuing.

“Ultimately, conflicts can be resolved only through political solutions,” he said in the message.

“If the UN is unable to foster lasting political solutions, it will be left with humanitarian emergencies and peacekeeping without end. And these solutions need to have the support not only of the warring parties but of the region and the big powers.”

dinsdag 29 juli 2008

Attack on UN food convoy blow for struggling Afghanistan

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has condemned Monday the latest attack on a World Food Programme (WFP) convoy that was transporting vital aid for the country's most vulnerable, who are suffering amid drought and rising food prices.

Accoerding to a statement of the UN, a convoy of 49 trucks that were transporting WFP food aid from Kandahar to Herat was attacked last Thursday by unidentified gunmen in the western province of Farah.

Two trucks were torched, and eight trucks were stolen and have not been recovered so far.

More than 320 metric tons of food, enough for around 38,400 Afghans for one month, was looted in the attack.

“Such attacks dishonour the Afghan people and the generosity of the international community. They are unacceptable and must stop,” Aleem Siddique, spokesperson for the UNAMA, told reporters in Kabul.

“At this time of severe drought and rising food prices it is even more reprehensible that a humanitarian convoy would be attacked in this way,” he added.

Food insecurity
Earlier this month, the UN and the Afghan Government appealed for just over $400 million to feed 4.5 million people who are struggling as a result of rising food prices, poor harvests and drought.

Some 450,000 urban and rural households have been hit hard by the surge in the prices of staples such as wheat, which have increased by 50 to 100 per cent in some parts of the country.

There were 12 armed attacks against vehicles carrying WFP food between January and June this year, resulting in the loss of some 466 tons of food, valued at over $300,000.

Last year saw more than 30 attacks against commercial vehicles or convoys carrying WFP food. In total, 870 tons of food, valued at $730,000, was lost.

Despite the most recent attack, WFP says it will continue food dispatches from southern Kandahar province to Herat in the west.

zondag 27 juli 2008

More illegal armed groups disbanded with UN help in Afghanistan

A campaign to disband illegal armed groups has already seen more than 40,000 weapons handed in, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

According to a statement last week of the UN, the drive is already taking place in 70 districts around the country and is to be extended to 12 more districts.

The aim is to eradicate the influence of illegal armed groups to pave the way for the consolidation of peace, the rule of law and prosperity in Afghanistan.

As part of the process, as many as 342 illegal armed groups have been disbanded and 44 development projects are either under way or in the planning stages.

UNDP said today that ex-commanders and government officials could demonstrate their support for peace building efforts in the country by voluntarily surrendering their weapons and by disbanding or severing links with armed groups.

Launched in 2005, the drive has seen 40,571 weapons, as well as 33,079 pieces of boxed and unboxed ammunition, handed over and verified by collection teams in Afghanistan.

woensdag 16 juli 2008

VS sturen misschien meer soldaten naar Afghanistan

De Amerikaanse minister van Defensie Robert Gates heeft woensdag gezegd dat zijn land overweegt om meer militairen naar Afghanistan te sturen.

Volgens verschillende bronnen is de veiligheidssituatie in het land inderdaad dramatisch aan het verslechteren.